Latex / Slide Tests Rheumatology

Cat. No.

Product Description


SP 1200101 ASO - latex Antistreptolysin O Agglutination slide test 50 tests
SP 1200102 Pos. and Neg. controls included 100 tests
SP 1200201 RF - latex Rheumatoid Factors Agglutination slide test 50 tests
SP 1200202 Pos. and Neg. controls included 100 tests
SP 1200301 CRP - latex C-Reactive Protein Agglutination slide test 50 tests
SP 1200302 Pos. and Neg. controls included 100 tests
SP 1200501 WR - test Waaler Rose Agglutination slide test 50 tests
SP 1200502 Pos. and Neg. controls included 100 tests